SET against Macular Degeneration/AMD
How can Oxygen Energy Therapy (SET) help patients with wet and dry macular degeneration?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive chronic disease of the eyes, specifically affecting the macular cells at the centre of the retina in the area of sharpest vision. One distinguishes between the dry and the wet form of the disease. The dry form occurs in 80 to 85 percent of AMD patients and thus much more often than wet macular degeneration. Neither form is associated with any pain. As we age, the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system declines (reduced heart rate variability). The result is that the metabolic functions in the body no longer run optimally and the body is no longer able to repair the growing number of damaged cells on its own. In the case of dry macular degeneration, functional losses and damage to the photosensitive cells of the retina of the eye occur over a period of years. The deterioration of vision is thus a gradual process, and patients are able to retain their reading ability for a long period.
There is no organ in our body that consumes as much oxygen per cell as does the eye. Wherever large amounts of oxygen are converted or “burned” in order to generate energy, pollutants always accumulate, so-called free radicals. All of these processes are controlled, regulated and controlled by our body’s top-level control and regulation centre called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). If, however, the regulative capacity of the ANS is impaired, these important combustion processes no longer work optimally and there is an increase in the number of free radicals, which damage the delicate and light-sensitive cells of the eye. As with a car engine, poor combustion produces more exhaust and less power. If over time more damage occurs than can be repaired by the body, it will lead to dysfunctions and “defects” in the eye cells, especially the macula and retina.
Left: stress/continuous stress means large pupils = a lot of light
Result: increased damage to the light-sensitive cells

Right: relaxation means small pupils = less incidence of light
Result: less damage and better repair possibilities
Found in 10 to 15 percent of AMD sufferers, the wet form of macular degeneration is less common, but significantly more “aggressive.” Here, “pathological” blood vessels grow under or into the retina. Through the vessel walls, tissue fluid and blood components increasingly get under or into the layers of the retina, leading to further impairments. In the wet form a significant loss of vision can occur within a short time.
No matter which conventional medical measures are performed – lasering, photodynamic therapy (PDT), surgical membrane removal, drug injection directly into the eye, macular shift – none of them treat the causes of macular degeneration.
The risk associated with these procedures is sometimes extremely high, as are the costs, which usually need to be paid out of pocket. The damage, such as scarring, irreversible destruction of macular cells and retinal cells and surrounding tissue, significantly worsen the chances for the body’s own regeneration and repair processes.
It would therefore seem sensible to aim at creating the conditions in the body that would allow its own repair and regeneration processes to do their job properly. The experience of the past 17 years clearly shows that this is possible!
Common causes of age-related macular degeneration:
- Sudden and unexpected occurrence of biological conflicts
- Circulatory disorders in the vascular system of the eye
- Disturbed metabolic processes of macular cells and retinal cells
- Increased deposits of drusen (metabolic waste products)
- Reduced protective mechanisms of the macula cells (not enough protective enzymes to neutralize increased number of free radicals)
- Reduced chances for body’s own repair processes of macular cells
- Reduced energy production (energy storage molecule ATP) in the macular cells
Swelling processes during the repair phase

no swelling
moderate swelling
heavy swelling
Swelling is one of the biologically useful repair processes following corresponding injuries or tissue changes. Whether it is a twisted foot, bee sting, head hit on the door or repair processes in the tissue. The swelling is part of the intelligent and complex repair processes that have been tried and tested for thousands of years.
In the area of the retina and macula, however, repair swellings between the dermis and retina sometimes lead to severe visual impairment, which understandably causes anxiety and stress in most people. This in turn causes permanent stress (sympathicotonia) and thus automatically leads to increased light incidence and further damage – a circle that should be broken.
Every chemical reaction takes place in an aqueous environment. The quality of the environment, in turn, depends on the fluid we consume daily.
There is a huge difference between drinking two litres of coffee and cola and drinking two litres of pure water and tea. Approximately 19 litres of digestive fluid (a mix of drinking fluid, digesting food, body fluids and enzymes) are absorbed into the blood via the small intestine every day. These 19 litres of digestive fluid have a decisive influence on the quality of the blood, the chemical environment and ultimately on the nourishment of our 60-100 trillion cells – including the eye cells.
Our therapeutic goal is to create synergies and to improve the regulation and function of all the systems involved. The intelligence required for repair and regeneration is built into the body, it only needs to be allowed to develop unhindered. For this, the necessary conditions must be created in the body. Our aim is to create an understanding of the underlying biological conflicts and of the ways the body attempts to resolve these conflicts.
Since macular degeneration usually develops over many years, the repair processes also need sufficient time to achieve results. Unrealistic expectations and wishful thinking produce even more stress and thus lead to a further deterioration of the already disrupted regulatory processes. If you decide to take the route that is free of the risks and side effects found in medical or surgical treatments, we will be happy to assist you with our experience and advice.
Putting SET to use: Applications of Oxygen Energy Therapy
- Improvement of the function of the top-level control and regulation centre, the autonomic nervous system (ANS). If the superordinate control centre does not work properly, all subordinate processes will fail to function to their full potential.
- More energy in the cells means better detoxification, repair and regeneration. An increased supply of concentrated oxygen can cause further damage over the long term.
- It is not the amount of oxygen in the body that is the problem, but rather the unclean combustion processes (less power and more pollutants) in the “power plants” of the cells (mitochondria). If a car’s engine is poorly tuned it won’t help to add more petrol to the tank. The engine has to be retuned so that the combustion processes will run cleanly to generate more power and fewer pollutants.
To supplement the SET application, we recommend the following:
- Nutritional supplements: Make sure that the body has the basic substances that the eye cells require. An architect can only realize his or her vision if the basic building materials are available and put together as intended
- Herbal and homeopathic remedies, especially for the eyes and for improving circulation down to the smallest blood vessels
- Drink pure and low mineral water. Improve the quality of the chemical environment so that reactions (metabolism) become cleaner and more efficient. This will allow more deposited metabolic waste products to be excreted. You might try drinking Lauretana (bottled water) or Mount Rocous (bottled water), for example
- Reduce stressful lifestyle habits that have led to discomfort and disease
- What is stress, what does stress mean and how does stress relate to your own patterns of thinking?
The greater the number of these recommendations you can combine the faster you will create the conditions your body needs to carry out its regeneration and repair processes. The synergies produced by combining these proven measures work to accelerate the path to success.
According to conventional medicine, macular degeneration is not curable. Once the cells of the macula have been damaged – so the general opinion – no power in the world can bring them back to life.
This is not correct: Experience with OET has shown that regeneration of damaged macular cells is possible. Many users report that after a few days to months of daily use, vision improves again and, for example, the grey haze they saw disappears. In some users, vision increased from 10% to over 60% over the course of a few months. These cases are not uncommon and have been confirmed by ophthalmologists. Since every maculopathy patient is an individual case, treatment should be designed individually as well.
Realistic aims and expectations are the key to success!
The time required before subjective and objective improvements occur varies widely from person to person. It may take anywhere from a few weeks and several months. The primary goal is to stop the progression of macular degeneration and to reach a plateau. After further weeks to months of daily use, an improvement in vision usually occurs. Significantly earlier – usually after just a few days – users observe other pleasant “side effects” of Oxygen Energy Therapy, such as an improvement in physical and mental vitality, sounder sleep, fewer stress symptoms and a generally better physical and mental well-being.
Application of Oxygen Energy Therapy (SET):
SET can be used alone or in combination with any traditional or naturopathic therapy. The therapy is done using a nasal cannula.
For home use, treatment should be applied one to three times a day for 20 minutes each.