Spirovital Therapy and Colour Therapy
Spirovital therapy combines inhalation therapy with colour therapy
A precise understanding of the relationships between colours, psyche, complaints and organ systems points the way to improved health. Disturbances can be made visible with various diagnostic techniques, most of which are used in the field of natural healing. Following appropriate colour therapy, a check is carried out in order to document whether the therapeutic or other measures are effective. The goal should always be to first improve the superordinate control system, since this alone could bring about improvements in the subordinate systems without the need for further treatment (meridians/chakras, etc.).
The meaning of colours and their associated organs
The Role of Colours
For centuries colours have been used in healing. Current knowledge about the effects of colours on the body and the psyche can for the most part be traced back to the discoveries of Isaac Newton and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Newton recognised that each colour of the spectrum had a particular vibration quality (wavelength) and that colour is first visible by virtue of the fact that molecular structures of a body let certain wavelengths pass through but reflect others. Only the reflected wavelengths are perceived as colours. In contrast, Goethe concerned himself primarily with the order and the laws of harmony of colours and saw them from the perspective of the entirety, i.e. that all colour tones are composed of mixtures of the primary colours blue, red and yellow.
We can thank the anatomist Prof. Becher from Heidelberg for further basic knowledge about the effects of colours on people. In the 1950s, he worked on experiments concerning the link between the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and visual perception. He discovered “multi-polar cells” in the retina of the eye, outposts of the interbrain which are responsible for the effects of colour on the brain. Since the psyche, the endocrine (hormonal) system and the autonomic nervous system bear an immediate relationship to one another, it is clear that the various frequencies of colour waves that pass through the eye, the skin and the psyche will have an effect that reaches the organs.
Connection of Light and Colour
Light is a form of electromagnetic vibration. Colours are components of white light characterised by different vibration frequencies. An effect on the body is explained by the fact that each colour vibrates at a unique frequency. The different frequency ranges with their various sub-frequencies have specific effects on the vital functions.
Colours and their Effect
Colours are normally classified in accordance with Goethe’s colour wheel into pure colours and mixed colours. The three primary colours, red blue and yellow, together with the three secondary colours produce a star or a circle, on the right half of which are found the warm colours and on the left half the cold colours. Colours exert highly diverse effects on people and many of these effects have since become general knowledge.
Red: Drive & Energy
Red is associated with certain degenerative processes and is therefore preferably used when our life forces have weakened. It has the greatest penetrating power of all colours, increases our energy levels and activates our mental power. Red exerts a strong influence on the autonomic nervous system – especially the sympathetic – by activating and stimulating it. Red enhances sensuality, conscious experience, feeling and the expression of unrestrained passion. On the mental level, the energy of the colour red gives us a strong will, determination and perseverance. Due to the strong effect of this colour, only short applications should be selected to achieve the desired activating effect. Red is, for example, therapeutically effective in children who learn slowly and sluggishly, and in patients suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) or anaemia. Red is an excitatory colour that activates and stimulates!
Orange: Vitality & Lust for Life
Orange (mixture of red and yellow) is known to be a source of energy after physical or mental exhaustion. It represents vitality, activity, cheerfulness and gaiety. Orange is the colour of joy, pleasure, and conviviality. It creates a sense of security, comfort and emotional warmth. Used in alternation with blue, it has a positive influence on pessimism, dissatisfaction, grief, depression, lack of drive and anxiety. Orange also loosens and activates people who are frozen in everyday life. Orange promotes appetite and digestion and strengthens the stomach.
Yellow: Concentration & Strong Nerves
The colour yellow is related to the lymphatic region, to the intellect, to the left cerebral hemisphere, and to the glandular system. Yellow activates thinking and feeling, strengthens the nerves and promotes comprehension. Yellow improves concentration and perception and relieves the eyes – ideal for driving and in computer glasses. In addition, yellow helps you to look at daily life in a more relaxed way. Yellow has a soothing effect on emotions and digestion, especially on the stomach. Yellow promotes mental openness and an optimistic attitude to life. Yellow stimulates the joy of experimentation, mental development and motor skills – as well as the appetite. Yellow glasses are especially suitable for children since yellow helps to increase learning intensity, concentration and memory capacity.
Green: Balance & Harmony
Green (mixture of yellow and blue) is the colour of the middle and stands for balance, satisfaction and inner peace. In its complete neutrality between all extremes, it has a soothing effect without making one tired. Green frees tissue from toxins and promotes excretion. In colour therapy, green is a colour that balances the rhythm of the heart and kidneys. Green is indicated for tumours, ulcers, cysts, diabetes, ocular disorders, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, and joint inflammation. Green serves as a neutral healing colour that elicits no counter-reactions in patients suffering from physical complaints. Green soothes the eyes and strengthens them to receive all other impressions..
Turquoise: Clarity & Understanding
Turquoise is cool and refreshing, supports clarity of language and clear, heart-felt understanding. Creativity and spiritual realization are positively influenced by the colour turquoise, emotion and reason are easier to reconcile. At an organic level, turquoise helps to free the body of pollutants. It is recommended to use turquoise in an environment with increased radiation exposure. Turquoise has a regulating effect on the thyroid gland. Turquoise is used successfully in the treatment of allergies (hay fever) and inflammation.
Blue: Recreation & Relaxation
Blue is a cold colour that is soothing and relaxing. Blue is ideal for relieving stress (sympathicotonia) and commotion. It affects the glandular and hormonal system and mollifies intemperate processes: suppurations, pain and bloating can be regulated with blue, as can haemorrhoids, warts, certain heart conditions (hyperactivity), hypertension and insomnia. Blue relieves nervous tension and loosens muscles, tendons and ligaments. Blue is used in colour therapy for the treatment of stress-induced migraine, acute neck problems, febrile diseases and acute back pain. Blue promotes and supports the parasympathetic nervous system (vagus) and serves regeneration, recovery, energy development and repair processes.
Indigo: Clarity & Intuition
Indigo has a very calming effect which can promote a state of inner peace and deep relaxation. Where excitement and over-activity exist, indigo works to harmonize irregular breathing. Indigo helps us access our intuition and clarifies emotions and thoughts. Indigo supports meditation, encourages positive thinking and can expand awareness. Indigo has a balancing effect, especially on the eyes, ears and nose and in patients suffering from fever, nervous inflammation and exhaustion.
Violet: Inspiration & Spirituality
Violet (mixture of red and blue) is known as the colour of meditation and stands for inner perception, spiritual deepening and inspiration. Violet strongly affects the subconscious, arouses insight and knowledge. Organically, violet is associated with the spleen and the lymphatic system. Violet opens the conscious for non-material experiences and promotes the synchronization process between the left and right hemisphere. Violet stimulates cleansing processes – both in the case of physical blockages as well as in people with psychological uncertainties. It achieves a balance of disharmonies and mediates between polarities (opposites). Violet is used to relieve pain, especially in migraine patients, and promotes healthy sleep.
The right combination with inhalation therapy you will find here.