Ionised oxygen therapy
In ionised oxygen therapy (e.g. according to Dr. Ivan Engler), the highly concentrated oxygen (usually between 90 and 98%) is additionally ionised, i.e. electrically charged. The additional ionisation of the highly concentrated oxygen is supposed to improve energy production and other systems in the body.
Critical notes:
Ionised oxygen, whether positively or negatively charged, is an oxygen radical, i.e. a free radical that sets chain reactions in motion in the body. It is up to each person to decide whether it makes sense to inhale additional free radicals. From our point of view, an additional administration of oxygen only makes sense if the oxygen saturation in the blood is reduced, which is usually the case with moderate and severe lung diseases such as COPD and emphysema. Whether the administration of extra oxygen makes sense when the saturation in the blood is between 96% and 98%, i.e. saturated, remains questionable for us from a biological and physiological point of view.
Oxidative stress (excessive formation of free radicals) in the body is one of the main causes for the development and progression of many chronic diseases.
Before you perform oxygen therapy, you should definitely check with a pulse oximeter whether the oxygen saturation in your blood is reduced!